

A family owned and operated electrician in the Southern Highlands

Level 2 ASP

Level 2 ASP, Power By Watts, Southern Highlands Electrician

A locally owned and operated family business, Power By Watts is an accredited service provider in categories 1,2,3 and 4, for Endeavour and Essential Energy.

Level 1 – Construction of network assets

You will need a Level 1 ASP to extend the overhead or underground network to reach your property, or if you require the capacity of the existing network (the amount of electricity it can safely supply) to be increased. This may include high and low voltage works, substations and basic metering.

Level 2 – Service work/connection services

You will need a Level 2 ASP to perform work closer to your premises such as:

  • disconnecting your premises from the network (class 2A)
  • installing, upgrading and/or energising (Connection point) an underground service line to connect your premises to the electricity network (class 2B)
  • installing, upgrading and/or energising (Connection point) an overhead service line to connect your premises to the electricity network (class 2C).